
General Assembly and Study Day 2024 – “PFAS”


Friday, June 7, 2024 from 09.15.


General Assembly followed by a study day on ‘PFAS’ organized by the Belgian Chapter of IAH.

Full program available here.



Campus Sterre

Krijgslaan, 281 – 9000 Gent


Free for IAH-Belgium member, students and retired. 30€ for others (including the affiliation to IAH-Belgium for the rest of the year).

How to register?

Please, complete the registration form before June, 2, 2024.

Academia meets industry


Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 14:00 to 17:00.


An new event organized by IAH-Belgium to share insights on how to develop a career in the industrial world after a PhD.



Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 17/19

1000 Brussels

How to register?

Registration form is available here (deadline for registration: October 12, 2023).

General Assembly and Study Day 2023 – “Drought: what impact on groundwater resources in Belgium?”


Friday, June 9, 2023 from 09.15.


General Assembly followed by a study day on ‘Drought’ organized by the Belgian Chapter of IAH.

Full program is available here.



rue Rocher de Frène, 1

5170 Lustin (Profondeville)


20€ for members/students/retired and 50€ for non-members (including IAH-Belgium membership) to be paid on bank account BE67 0019 2051 1787.

How to register?

Registration form is available here (deadline for registration: June 2, 2023).

Evening classes – “Modélisation numérique de l’écoulement des eaux souterraines” / “Grondwaterstroming met numerieke 3-D modellen”

When ?

Thursday, March 7,14, and 21, 2023 from 18:00 to 21:30.


Full program in French is available here.

Full program in Dutch is available here.


De Watergroep – Cadol

Broekstraat, 150

3001 Leuven

How to register?

Registration form, to be filled before February 28, 2023, is available here.


  • IAH-Belgium member: 400€
  • Student/Retired: 400€
  • Others: 500€

Payment information in French are available.

Payment information in Dutch are available.


Please, contact us at


Young Hydrogeologists Day 2022


Monday, October 17, 2022 at 4.00 PM.


A friendly competition between master students 2021-2022 with a master thesis in hydrogeology (practical not fundamental research).

Candidates will have 15 minutes to present their master thesis. At the end of the presentation, members of the jury will have 5 minutes to ask questions. Candidates can choose between English, Dutch, or French for their presentation.


KU Leuven – Campus Herverlee


A price will reward the student with the best master thesis.

How to register?

  1. Fill in this form.

2.  Send a short CV and an abstract of your master thesis to before September 16, 2022.

General Assembly and Study Day 2022 – “Well clogging and regeneration techniques”


Friday, June 10, 2022.


General Assembly followed by a study day on ‘Well clogging and regeneration techniques‘ organized by the Belgian Chapter of IAH.

08.30 – 09.00 – Welcome

09.00 – 10.00 – General Assembly

10.00 – 11.00 – Presentations

10.00 – Well clogging & managing techniques (Q-Flow – TBC)

10.30 – Réalisation d’un essai interlaboratoire de pompage d’une eau souterraine (J.-P. Dumont et al. – ISSeP)

11.00 – 11.30 – Coffee break

11.30 – 12.30 – Presentations

11.30 – Case studies (A. Vandenbohede et al. – De Watergroep)

11.50 – Technique de regénération de puits à l’azote pulsé + démonstration (Geolys)

12.30 – 13.30 – Lunch

13.30 – 15.30 – Field trip to the production well of Korbeek-Dijle for the demonstration of a regeneration technique (Kleinebroekstraat Korbeek-Dijle)

15.30 – 17.00 – Drink


De Watergroep – Cadol

Broekstraat, 150

3001 Leuven


The cost for the study day (lunch included) is:

  • Free for members & sponsors of IAH2021 congress
  • 30€ for students and retired (CBH membership included)
  • 40€ for non-members (CBH membership included)

to be paid to the IAH-Belgium bank account (IBAN BE67 0019 2051 1787 – BIC GEBABEBB) with the communication « Name and surname – Study Day 10th June 2022 »

(Pay attention, IAH-Belgium bank account was modified on 1st March 2022)

How to register?

Fill in the registration form fot 1st June 2022.

Evening classes – “Modèle numérique 3D de l’écoulement des eaux”

When ?

Thursday, October 8, 15 and 22, 2020 from 18:00 to 21:30.


Full program available here.

Attention, due to COVID-19 pandemic and class room configuration, the number of participants is limited to 20 (teachers included, so 17 students). Participants have to wear mask. Other information about health and security measures will be send to partipants later.


VIVAQUA, Captage de Vedrin

rue Al’Tchôde Ewe

5003 Saint-Marc (Namur)

How to register?

Registration form, to be filled before September 30, is available here.


Please, contact us at


These evening classes are taught in French.

Evening classes – “Oplossen van alledaagse grondwatervraagstukken met numerieke 3-D modellen”

When ?

Thursday, October 8, 15 and 22, 2020 from 18:00 to 21:00.


Full program available here.

Attention, due to COVID-19 pandemic and class room configuration, the number of participants is limited to 15. Participants have to wear mask. Other information about health and security measures will be send to partipants later.


De Watergroep – Cadol

Broekstraat, 150

3001 Leuven

How to register?

Registration form, to be filled before September 30, is available here.


Please, contact us at


These evening classes are taught in Dutch.

General Assembly 2020

When ?

Friday, January 17, 2020 from 2.00 PM.


  • General Assembly
  • Presentation of Anne Van Loon on “Groundwater drought and abstraction in Europe: sustainability now and in the future?



Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 17-19

1000 Bruxelles

(100 m from Central Station)

How to register?

Please, register using this link.

More details?

Click here.

Young Hydrogeologists Day 2019


Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 4.00 PM.


A friendly competition between master students 2017-2018 or 2018-2019 with a master thesis in hydrogeology (practical not fundamental research).

Candidates will have 15 minutes to present their master thesis. At the end of the presentation, members of the jury will have 5 minutes to ask questions. Candidates can choose between English, Dutch, or French for their presentation.

Click here for reading the complete competition regulations and here for watching our flyer!



Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 17-19

1000 Bruxelles

(100 m from Central Station)


A price of 500€ will reward the student with the best master thesis.

How to register?

Participants are asked to send a short CV and an abstract to before October, 28.

If you only want to attend without participating to the competition, please confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail with the following information to  before October, 28.



Mobile number


Evening classes – “Practical introduction to dewatering: implementation techniques, legislation, and basic calculations”

When ?

Thursday, October 10, 17 and 24, 2019 from 18:00 to 21:00.


Full program available here.


De Watergroep – Cadol

Broekstraat, 150

3001 Leuven

How to register?

Fill in the registration form and send it to before September 10, 2019.


These evening classes are taught in Dutch.

Study Day 2019 – “Hydrogeophysics”


Friday, May 24, 2019.


Study Day on “Hydrogeophysics” organized by the Belgian Chapter of IAH.

09.00 – 09.30 – Welcome

09.30 – 11.00 – Presentations

09.30 – Welcome by Marijke HUYSMANS (IAH-Belgium President)

09.45 – Towards IAH Belgium 2021 (Tom DIEZ – IAH-Belgium secretary)

10.00 – Hydro-geophysics across scales and time: a review-let of applications and developments (Frédéric NGUYEN et al. – ULiège)

10.20 – Characterization of spatially variable riverbed hydraulic conductivity using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Induced Polarization (IP) (Sien BENOIT et al. – UGent)

10.40 – Combining geophysical methods to investigate the salt/freshwater interface at the vicinity of water extraction facilities (Thomas HERMANS et al. – UGent)

11.00 – 11.30 – Coffee break

11.30 – 12.30 – Presentations

11.30 – Identification of 3D fracture distribution and fracture connectivity by combined Ground Penetrating Radar imagery and tracer tests at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden (Justine MOLRON et al. – Itasca Consultants S.A.S., France, ENIGMA ITN)

11.50 – Long-term monitoring of the fresh-salt water balance next to the Zwin tidal lagoon (David SIMPSON et al. – AGT)

12.10 – Imaging of the epikarst recharge through ERT monitoring at the Rochefort Cave Laboratory (Olivier Kaufmann et al. – UMons)

12.30 – 13.30 – Lunch

13.30 – 13.50 – Presentation of the Famenne-Ardenne Geopark (Alain PETIT – Geopark Director)

13.50 – 14.10 – Presentation of the KARAG Project (Michel Van Camp – ORB)

14.10 – 16.30 – Visit of the different facilities & sites: Lomme karstic system, Rochefort Cave Laboratory & Gravimetry station (Vincent HALLET et Amaël POULAIN – UNamur, Olivier KAUFMANN et Yves QUINIF (UMons) et Michel Van Camp (ORB)

16.30 – 17.00 – Drink


UNESCO Global Geopark Famenne-Ardennes, Han-sur-Lesse area

Grotte de Lorette-Rochefort
Drève de Lorette (via l’Avenue de Lorette)
5580 Rochefort
50° 09’ 19’’ N
5° 13’ 35’’ E

A lift will be organized from Jemelle station (Namur-Arlon line) for those coming by train. Departures from Jemelle station are scheduled at  09.15. Additionally, we will try to organize a carpooling from other places.

How to register?

Fill in the registration form and send it to before May 20, 2019.


Evening classes – “Shallow geothermal systems (closed- and open-loop)”

When ?

Thursday, February 21 and 28, and March 14, 2019 from 18:00 to 21:30.


Evening classes on shallow geothermal systems (choice between closed- and open-loop systems, feasibility study, permitting, field tests (TRT, pumping, injection, …), modeling, execution works, …).

Full program available here.


UNamur – Bâtiment B51

rue de Bruxelles, 61

5000 Namur

How to register?

Fill in the registration form and send it to before February 14, 2019.


These evening classes are taught in French.

General Assembly 2019

When ?

Monday, February 11, 2019 from 14:00.


  • Information about the change of status of IAH-Belgium
  • GDPR
  • General Assembly with the election of 12 administrators
  • Progress in the organization of IAH Congress 2021



Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 17-19

1000 Bruxelles

(100 m from Central Station)

How to register?

No registration required.

Evening classes – “Practical introduction to groundwater modelling”

When ?

Thursday, October 11, 18 and 25, 2018 from 18:00 to 21:30.


Introduction to groundwater modelling with both theoritical and practical aspects, inclunding use of MODFLOW, UCODE, MODPATH and MT3DMS with ModelMuse GUI.

Full program available here.


De Watergroep – Cadol

Broekstraat, 150

3001 Leuven

How to register?

Fill in the registration form and send it to before October 01, 2018.


These evening classes are taught in Dutch.

Young Hydrogeologists Day 2018


Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 4.00 PM.


A friendly competition between master students 2016-2017 or 2017-2018 with a master thesis in hydrogeology (practical not fundamental research).

Candidates will have 10 minutes to present their master thesis. At the end of the presentation, members of the jury will have 5 minutes to ask questions. Candidates can choose between English, Dutch, or French for their presentation.

Click here for reading the complete competition regulations and here for watching our flyer!



Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 17-19

1000 Bruxelles

(100 m from Central Station)


A price of 500€ will reward the student with the best master thesis.

How to register?

Participants are asked to send a short CV and an abstract (300 words) to before September, 25.

If you only want to attend without participating to the competition, please confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail with the following information to  before September, 25.




Mobile number


Study Day 2018 – ‘Groundwater process modeling’


Friday, June 01, 2018.


Study Day on ‘Groundwater process modeling’ organized by the Belgian Chapter of IAH.

09.30 – 10.00 – Welcome

10.00 – 11.00 – Presentations

10.00 – 10.05 – Introduction (Marijke HUYSMANS – IAH-Belgium president – VUB/KULeuven)

10.05- 10.20 – Towards IAH Belgium 2021 (Olivier LAGNEAU – IAH-Belgium Vice-President – VIVAQUA)

10.20-  10.40 – Reactive transport modelling of point source contamination in soils and groundwater (Cas NEYENS – VUB)

10.40 – 11.00 – Artificial recharge on a creek ridge for potable water production – simulation as a design tool (Alexander VANDENBOHEDE – De Watergroep)

11.00 – 11.20 – Coffee break

11.20 – 12.20 – Presentations

11.20 – 11.40  – Recovery efficiencies and thermal impact of low and high temperature aquifer – Thermal energy storage (ATES) systems: an analytical, numerical and practical evaluation (Niels HARTOG – KWR Nederland)

11.40 – 12.00 – Can short-term hydrogeological experiments predict the long-term behavior of subsurface reservoirs? An example from shallow geothermy (Tanguy ROBERT – ULiège)

12.00 – 12.20 – Can short-term hydrogeological experiments predict the long-term behavior of subsurface reservoirs? An example from shallow geothermy (Guillaume DE SCHEPPER – Aquale)

12.30 – 13.30 – Lunch

13.30 – 14.00 – Extraordinary General Assembly

14.00 – 16.30 – Visit of managed aquifer recharge site for drinking water production

16.30 – 17.00 – Drink



Bezoekerscentrum De Doornpanne

Doornpannestraat, 1

8670 Koksijde

A lift will be organized from Koksijde station for those coming by train. Departures from Koskijde station are scheduled at  09.15. Additionally, we will try to organize a carpooling from other places.

How to register?

Fill in the registration form and send it to before May 28, 2018.

General Assembly 2018 and talks of Prof. Dr. Thomas HERMANS (UGent) and Ms. Katherine NOTT (SWDE) & Mr. Christophe FRIPPIAT (ISSeP)


Friday, January 19, 2018.


General Assembly and talks of Prof. Dr. Thomas Hermans (UGent) and Ms. Katherine Nott (SWDE) & Christophe Frippiat (ISSeP)

14.00 – 14.30 – General Assembly

14.30 – 15.15 – Talk of Prof. Dr. Thomas HERMANS (UGent)

15.15 – 16.00 – Talk of Ms. Katerine NOTT (SWDE) & Christophe FRIPPIAT (ISSeP)

16.00 – Drink



Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 17-19

1000 Bruxelles

(100 m from Central Station)

How to register?

Please, confirm your presence to the General Assembly and/or the talks by e-mail to before January 12, 2017. Registration is free.

Young Hydrogeologists Day 2017


Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 4.00 PM.


A friendly competition between master students 2017 or graduates 2016 with a master thesis in hydrogeology (practical not fundamental research).

Candidates will have 10 minutes to present their master thesis. At the end of the presentation, members of the jury will have 5 minutes to ask questions. Candidates can choose between English, Dutch, or French for their presentation.

Companies will also be present to promote hydrogeology and to show students what could be their professional life in a few years.
Click here for reading the complete competition regulations and here for watching our flyer!


KU Leuven – Campus Arenberg III

Celestijnenlaan, 200B

3001 Leuven

room 200B 00.16


A price of 500€ will reward the student with the best master thesis.

How to register?

Free attendance!

Confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail with the following information to  before 6 October 2017:




Mobile number


Study Day 2017 – ‘Urban groundwater’


Friday, June 02, 2017.


Study Day on ‘Urban groundwater’ organized by the Belgian Chapter of IAH.

09.30 – 10.00 – Welcome

10.00 – 11.15 – Presentations

10.00 – 10.25 – Introduction to Urban Hydrogeology (Marijke HUYSMANS – VUB / KULeuven)

10.25 – 10.50 – Development of informatic tools for groundwater management in Brussels (Mathieu AGNIEL – IBGE-BIM)

10.50 – 11.15 – Hydrogeological study of the Bruxellian sands groundwater mass in the Brussels-capital region (Olivier BOUHON – Aquale)

11.15 – 11.45 – Coffee break

11.45 – 12.35 – Presentations

11.45 – 12.10 – Dewatering constraints in an urban environment: case-studies in Flanders (Mathieu DEGROS – AGT)

12.10 – 12.35 – Urban groundwater and underground constructions (Estanislao PUJADES – ULg)

12.35 – 14.00 – Lunch

14.00 – 16.30 – Visit of a redevelopment site in urban area where shallow geothermics based on groundwater of the alluvial aquifer is considered

16.30 – 17.00 – Drink


University of Liege

Building B52, Quartier Polytech 1, Room TP64

Allée de la Découverte, 9

4000 Liege (Sart-Tilman)

How to register?

Fill in the registration form and send it to before May 31, 2017.

General Assembly 2017 and talks of Mr. Pieter Jan HAEST and Mr. Serge BROUYERE


Friday, January 20, 2017.


General Assembly and talks of Mr. Pieter Jan Haest (AGT & KUL) et Mr. Serge Brouyère (ULg).

14.00 – 14.30 – General Assembly

14.30 – 15.15 – Talk of Mr. Pieter Jan Haest (AGT & KUL) : “Big data in hydrogeology: automate the boring stuff and work with the inherent uncertainty”

15.15 – 16.00 – Talk of Mr. Serge Brouyère (ULg): “Statistical description of hydrogeological parameters in the main aquifer contexts in Wallonia”

16.00 – Drink



Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 17-19

1000 Bruxelles

(100 m from Central Station)

How to register?

Please, confirm your presence to the General Assembly and/or the talks by e-mail to before January 13, 2017. Registration is free.

Study Day 2016 – ‘Groundwater and Climate Change’


Friday, June 03, 2016.


Study Day on ‘Groundwater and climate change’ organized by the Belgian Chapter of IAH.

09.30 – 10.00 – Welcome

10.00 – 11.15 – Presentations

11.15 – 11.45 – Coffee break

11.45 – 13.00 – Presentations

13.00 – 14.00 – Lunch

14.00 – 16.30 – Geological field trip in Mol area with Dr. Koen Beerten

16.30 – 17.00 – Drink




Boeretang 201

2400 Mol


A coach from Mol station to SCK•CEN will be organized for participants coming by train. The coach will leave Mol station at 9.30 AM.

How to register?

Fill in the registration form and send it to before May 27, 2016.


No late registration will be accepted since free access to the site is not allowed for safety reasons.